Podcasts I’ve been on!

Don’t Salt My Game podcast with Laura Thomas phD

Laura and I chatted about why a focus on body image isn’t enough for a lot of us in fat or otherwise marginalised bodies.

We also discussed how rewriting our body stories can be a way to start reclaiming agency and control, and exploring ways in which we can start to enhance our experiences of embodiment, despite living a culture which makes this harder for some folks than others.

Listen to our episode here

Check out my article featured in How to Just Eat It: A Step-by-Step Guide to Escaping Diets and Finding Food Freedom

Body Kindness podcast with Rebecca Scritchfield

Practicing Body Kindness during COVID-19 is all about resilience skills as we navigate this collective trauma. While some people are finding “humor” in memes or chats about social distancing-related weight gain or the supposed “quarantine 15,” these messages are fatphobic and harmful to people struggling with mental health and body image.

Rebecca and I shared our ideas for setting boundaries, creating self-care plans, and well-being enhancement that can help you cope with fears.

Listen to our episode here

Needy podcast with Mara Glatzel

I really loved this conversation with Mara and I hope you do too! We covered:

  • Why we need to push back against systems of oppression, as well as healing our intra-personal relationship with our body⁠
  • What it means to intentionally practice “C-work” in your life⁠
  • How zooming out to situate yourself in the wider social context helps to reduce body shame

Listen to our episode here

Body Liberation & Feminism Podcast with The Feminist Coach Academy  

I am on the Feminist Coach Academy Podcast talking about Body Liberation, diet culture in Feminism, how social justice is often missing from the conversation, & the ways in which we are socialised to lose trust with our bodies.⁣⁣

Listen to our episode here

What’s Body Trust got to do with Making Money podcast with feminist coach Ray Dodd

I loved having this chat with Ray! In this episode, we cover laziness, fat and hustle culture, priviledge, positivity, the effect our mind body relationship has on our money and business lives.

Listen to our episode here

Fat Girl Book Club podcast with Jennifer Radke

I discussed “Hunger” by Roxane Gay with Jennifer, in this episode of the Fat Girl Book Club. We discussed the ways in which we can fall into the trap of trying to turn body liberation into another binary, how we can explore making more space for honouring our own process, & sitting in the discomfort of still wanting to change our body sometimes.

Listen to our episode here