You CAN nourish, care for, and build trust with the body you’re in right now……even in a culture that tells you that you need to shrink to fit in.
I coach and mentor smart, socially conscious humans like you to heal your relationship with food, unlearn body shame, and live a fulfilling life in the body you have right now.
I’ll give you the tools to build resilience (and resistance) against Diet Culture and Anti-Fatness. Helping you externalise the shame and bias towards your body that isn’t yours to hold.
That way you don’t blame yourself when you have a “bad body image day” or find yourself back in that weight loss fantasy.
Instead you treat yourself (and your body) like a friend.
And even though healing can feel messy and imperfect, you stay grounded, knowing that you are building sustainable, deep-rooted, wholehearted Body Trust practices you can return to again and again.
You’ll make this YOUR OWN practice. And it will help you feel supported in living your fullest life right now in the body you are in.

Here’s what I want you to know:
- You are worthy at any size. There isn’t a different set of rules for you, no matter how much you might feel different, isolated, broken, or in need of fixing.
- You can work towards acceptance even if you don’t like your body. Acceptance is not “giving up”. It’s solid ground to work from.
- You can learn how to increase your resilience against Diet Culture and Anti-Fatness.
- You can quiet your Inner Body Shamer by unlearning the shame, blame, and bias you have internalised.
- You get to define what health means to you. Health is more than just physical – it’s emotional, spiritual, and relational, too. PS. I believe that health is not a moral obligation or an individual responsibility. You do not owe your health to anyone.
- You deserve pleasure in all areas of your life. Reclaiming your right to feel good in how you nourish, move, and care for your body can be an act of resistance in a culture that tells us we need to “earn” the right to indulge. Pleasure in the absence of shame, guilt, and bias heals.
- You get to choose what to do with your body. I believe in your right to body autonomy, even when that means the pursuit of weight loss. I will never judge you – there is space in our conversations for your ambivalence and desire to change your body.
- You can feel at home in your bigger body. By turning towards yourself with kindness and curiosity, you can rebuild trust and build a relationship with your body that is flexible, compassionate, and connected.
- You get to spend your energy living a life that fills you up – your life’s purpose is not to shrink your body.
Building sustainable, wholehearted Body Trust practices.
To support you in living your fullest life, right now, in the body you’re in.
This is our work together.

I centre my coaching in social justice, diversity & inclusion.
Many of the ways we have lost trust in our bodies, and internalised shame and bias towards them, arise from various forms of systemic oppression.
This oppression needs to be challenged and dismantled at a collective level.
I recognise and value all types of diversity including ethnicity, race, size, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, class, religion and abilities.
I’m a feminist and my feminism is inclusive and intersectional.
I acknowledge my own apparent privilege as a white, cis-gendered, heternormative, financially secure, able-bodied woman, in a mid-sized fat body – and am commited to unlearning and examining the many ways in which this shows up in my life and work.
Read more about my ethics and business practices here.
Here’s how we can work together…
One-to-one Body Trust Coaching
This is for you if:
- you are aware of (and have maybe tried) non-diet approaches like Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size® & have found that, on their own, these frameworks have not helped you feel more at home in your body
- you want to build resilience so you can stay grounded in the face of oppressive systems like Diet Culture & Anti-Fatness
- you want support with learning sustainable Body Trust practices that help you live more compassionately in your body
- I’ll provide Mentoring and Coaching as you learn about and explore some foundational Body Trust practices and start to reclaim your body as your home. I can also support you with Intuitive Eating if you wish
- Sessions are £75 for 60 minutes. We’ll meet every 1-2 weeks (your choice), over four months (8-12 sessions)
- In between sessions you’ll be able to experiment and practice Body Trust out in the wild. I’m available to you for additional support over email throughout our coaching agreement.
- A note on accessibility: getting support with this work is a privilege that I want more folks to have access to. I try to keep my prices as affordable as possible while ensuring that I can support myself and cover my costs. For every 4 full paying clients that I take on I am able to offer 1 sliding scale place to folks who have less financial resources. Please contact me to find out if I have any places available or, alternatively, I can add you to my waiting list. No judgement or proof required. Priority will go to those who are disproportionately impacted by instititional and systemic opression.
How it works
Once you’ve had your free 30 minute chat to get to know me, I will send you a copy of my coaching agreement and your intake questionnaire and forms.
You will book in your first sessions and return your forms. Due to the time invested in reviewing your intake forms I ask you to book a minimum of 2 sessions initially. After that you have the option to book and pay for your sessions as you go, or on a monthly basis, depending on the arrangement we co-create together.
In order to gain the momentum often needed to create transformation I recommend sessions at least every 2 weeks, over a period of four months (no “quick fixes” here).
Sessions are conducted over secure, online phone or video conferencing (I use Zoom). This allows us to work together no matter where you happen to live.
Got more questions about Body Trust or about how I coach? Please my check out my FAQ below or get in touch via my Contact Me page.

Once a month(ish), I email you a lovingly crafted newsletter sharing nuggets of wisdom, interesting articles, and encouraging words to help sustain & fortify you at whatever stage you are at in your building your Body Trust Practices.
Are you in?
Coach, Therapist, Mentor - what's the difference?
Good question!
Broadly speaking, a Therapist will be professionally trained in helping your explore and heal from your past experiences. Whereas, a Coach will spend more time helping you to take action to create a future that is rich, fulfilling, and aligned with your values. Both are valuable (but different) forms of support.
Coaching is about helping you discover your own answers, rather than advice giving. I heard someone say once that “Coaching will give you some good questions for your answers and Mentoring will give you some good answers for your questions” – I think this describes it well! I am a professionally trained Coach but I will combine this with Mentoring if we both agree that my lived experience in a certain area may be helpful to you.
If you are unsure if Coaching is the right kind of support for you feel free to book a free 30 minute chat to talk it through.
Tell me more about Body Trust®
Body Trust® is a weight inclusive approach developed by Hilary Kinavey & Dana Sturtevant at BeNourished in Portland, Oregon. As a Body Trust® Provider, it is one of the foundations of my coaching practice.
It brings together many modalities within a social justice framework – it has roots in Health At Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, motivational interviewing, fat acceptance, shame resilience, embodiment, mindfulness and self compassion practices, and much more.
It’s a radical and compassionate healing paradigm that I am proud to share with you as part of my coaching practice.
What about my health?
Weight inclusive approaches such as intuitive eating and body acceptance have been shown to have lots of benefits for overall well-being, so we are not ignoring health in our work together. I am happy to support you in engaging in health-seeking behaviours that feel accessible and nourishing to you. I will however, invite you to explore what health means to you, look at the evidence, and also challenge the narrow definition of health that is sold to us by Diet Culture.
I believe that health exists on a continuum and that our capacity to pursue health, and the resources available to us, is impacted by many socio-economic and cultural factors that are often outside of our control. I won’t push a health-ist agenda and I don’t believe that health is a moral obligation or that we owe health to anyone.
Will I lose weight?
I understand the desire to know what will happen to your weight as part of this journey. I also understand the desire to want to lose weight – it’s understandable in the culture that we live in. I can’t tell you what will happen to your weight – only your body knows that, but I want you to know that there is room for ambivalence in our coaching work and I can hold space for your concerns about your weight. I will never judge you.
You may have spent years focusing on your weight so I will ask you to try something different in our work together. Instead of trying to control what happens to your weight I will invite you to turn your attention towards yourself with curiosity and compassion. I am here to help you have a better relationship with food, your body, and ultimately yourself – one that is less about control and more about trust. I believe that from this place we can build the kind of relationship with our body that we want to be for a lifetime – one that is flexible, nourishing, and compassionate.
Can you work with me if I have an eating disorder, pre-diabetes, diabetes, PCOS, or other health issue?
I can not work with you if you are in active treatment for an eating disorder. However, I do work with individuals who are in “recovery” from an eating disorder and those who struggle more generally with disordered eating. I also sometimes work with individuals who are in the “recovery” process, have the support of a multi-disciplinary care team, but would benefit from working with someone with lived experience in a bigger body to help them unpack their internalized weight stigma and body shame.
I am not a Registered Dietitian so I can not offer you specific advice in relation to managing pre-diabetes, diabetes, PCOS, or other health issues. However, I am aware of many of the ways in which many of these conditions can impact our relationship with food and body and I am happy to work with you if your condition is fairly well managed and you have the support of other healthcare providers where needed.
If you have any concerns about whether I can support you please feel free to book a free 30 minute chat to talk it through with me. I might also be able to refer you to another practitioner who may be a better match for your needs.
I'm smaller-bodied/male/non-binary/trans/queer....will you work with me?
Most of the folks I work with are in bigger bodies and they come to me because of my lived experience as a fat person. However, I aim to centre your lived experiences (rather than mine) in our work together and I am committed to educating myself on how the intersection of different identities impacts our relationship with our bodies.
I also recognise that as a small-mid sized fat person I still have access to a lot of size privilege in comparison to folks in large fat, superfat, and infinifat bodies. I have worked hard to understand and listen to the lived experiences of people in larger bodies than me and try to be an active ally for the fat community across all sizes.
We are all impacted by Diet Culture so I am open to working with anyone who is interested in exploring a Body Liberation Practice, regardless of whether we share similar identities. If you want to get a feel for whether we would be a good fit please go ahead and book your free 30 minute chat. I may also be able to refer you to another Provider if we both feel they would be better served to support you.
“Body Trust is a reclamation. Of pleasure. Of knowing. Of wanting. Of listening. Of your own damn self. Body Trust work is a process of reclaiming our bodies after they’ve been harmed by stigma, diet culture, shame, difference, and othering, and then further distanced by our attempts to mitigate that harm by trying to control the size, shape or appearance of our body.”
Dana & Hilary, Be Nourished